Dr Kamal Rawal
Project Director | Doctor | R&D | Innovator
Dr. Kamal is a scientist and clinician working at the interface of Medicine, Healthcare, and Artificial Intelligence.
He is also an academic, speaker, author and thought leader on new technologies in medicine & healthcare.
He has published in high impact journals and presented in leading international conferences.
He has a deep background in practice of medicine, clinical trials, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, technology, analytics, product and user experience, and consumer insights. Dr. Kamal and his cross-functional teams are working on path breaking projects on vaccine development, repositioning of drugs, cancer genomics and COVID19 treatment protocols.
Recently, Dr. Kamal and his team, have developed a new AI enabled product for vaccine discovery and design.
Previously, Dr. Kamal was the first doctor to build an data driven clinical practice system helping several thousand patients using his unique AI driven clinical service model - spearheading large-scale product development across clinical data and AI.
Dr. Kamal is passionate, ambitious, quick-witted & driven. Dr. Kamal holds a PhD from The School of Complex Systems; an Advanced Post Graduate degree, and a Bachelor's degree in Practice of Medicine from University of Delhi.
He has over 15 years of experience in developing cutting edge products, bioinformatics pipelines and leading major projects in the area of vaccine discovery, drug development and oncology domain.
He has also provided consultations to major organizations, with a particular focus on Machine Learning, Digital Workforce, Bioinformatics, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and health care services.
He has worked with talented, large & multi-cultural teams from USA, Europe, & Middle East.
He has successfully supported 10+ clients in designing and deploying their projects with the aim of reducing costs, increasing revenue, and managing risks.
He also mentors startups and provides consultations to companies by integrating change management, transformational approach, keeping organizational considerations.
Currently, he is spearheading project to offer commercialize the services and products developed in his research lab on SaaS model.
Building an Artificial Intelligence-based Vaccine Discovery System- Applications in Infectious Diseases
Project Description : Infectious disease affects several million individuals all over the world particularly from developing countries. We have built a bioinformatics pipeline which combines reverse vaccinology tools, network biology system and text mining algorithms to analyses proteomes of pathogens and ranks proteins based upon their propensity to be an optimal vaccine candidate. Our system compares various machine learning approaches such as support vector machines, neural networks, ensemble learning & decision trees. Out of different approaches, we find that over 90 % accuracy is achieved by using Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTM) algorithm. We have also compiled dataset of vaccine candidates using text mining and manual curation from different pathogens to test our algorithm. Currently, ELAN VACC system is used to find vaccine targets for Chagas disease to find new vaccine against Trypansoma cruzi. In this project, we are constructing multilayered network of molecules implicated in Chagas disease, T. cruzi, and the host (human).
ELAN system for analysis of tumor genomes and development of vaccines against cancer cells
Project Description : This machine learning system screens mutated regions in the genomes of cancer patients to identify target genes which impact cancer diagnosis and therapeutics. The system is being developed in collaboration with Oncologists, wet lab experts and Surgeons of leading hospitals of India. [Rawal et al 2011 Nuc. Acid Res.; 2006 NAR; 2013, 2012, 2019 etc].
Funding from : Leading agency
Project 1
Building integrated pipeline for cancer genome analysis: Role of mobile genetic elements in cancers
Role : Project Lead
Collaborators : Leading hospitals of India
Project 2
Building an Artificial Intelligence-based Vaccine Discovery System- Applications in Personalized Neoantigen-related Immunotherapy for treatment of Cancers.
Role : Project Coordinator
Collaborators : Leading Hospitals of India
AI in Radiology
Title : Building AI based system for analysis of medical imaging datasets: Applications in analysis of head CT scans
Project Description : Acute Intracranial Haemorrhage is a key diagnostic feature detected from any brain imaging technology for arriving at a particular conclusion in the clinical management of neurological emergencies such as Traumatic Brain Injury TBI and stroke. Here, we are building an app based system of our deep learning-based model for automated brain haemorrhage detection from computed tomography scans. This model would be able to detect key diagnostic features from the scans with the accuracy levels matching the expert radiologist. Our proposed clinical system shall be characterized by automated and fast decision-making process to assist treating physicians leading to improved outcomes in terms of morbidity and mortality.
Funding from : Others
Collaborators : Diagnostics Firms, New Delhi, India
AI in HealthCare
Title : Un-conventional treatment protocol for treatment of COVID19 patients
Collaborators : Leading Private Hospitals and Government of Delhi
Built a first integrated pipeline & machine learning based resource for analysis of mobile genetic elements and mutations in cancers and other diseases
- Rawal, K. and Ramaswamy, R., "Genome wide analysis of mobile genetic elements insertion sites. Nucl. Acids Res.,vol. 39, no. 16, pp. 6864-6878, Sep. 2011. Impact Factor 11.3.
- Mandal, P., Rawal, K., Ramaswamy, R., Bhattacharya, A. and Bhattacharya, S. "Identification of Insertion hot spots for non-LTR retrotransposons: Computational and Biochemical application to Entamoeba histolytica." Nucl. Acids Res., vol. 34, no. 20, pp. 5752-5763, 2006. (Lead author and equal contribution). Impact Factor 11.3.
- Dev, B.B., Malik A., Rawal, K., “Detecting motifs and patterns at mobile genetic element insertion site”. Bioinformation, vol. 8, pp.777-786, 2012.
- Rawal, K., Dorji, S. Kumar, A., Ganguly, A. Grewal, A.S. “Identification and characterization of MGEs and their insertion sites in the gorilla genome”. Mobile Genetic Elements, vol.3, no.4, pp. e25675, 2012.
- Rawal, K., Priya, A., Malik, A., Bahl, R., Ramaswamy, R., “Distribution of MGEs and their insertion sites in the Macaca mulatta genome”. Mobile Genetic Elements, vol.2, no.3, pp. 133-141, 2012
- Bakre, A.A.,Rawal, K., Ramaswamy, R., Bhattacharya, A. and Bhattacharya, S., “The LINEs and SINEs of Entamoeba histolytica: Comparative analysis and genomic distribution.” Experimental Parasitology, vol. 110, no. 3, pp. 207-213, 2005.
Developed the first molecular network on human obesity through screening >25 million pubmed records, gene expression databases, clinical studies, drug side effects and other information resources. Built a new text mining system and machine learning model for semi-automated screening of literature records with high F score.
- Jagannadham, J., Jaiswal, H.K., Agrawal, S., Rawal, K., Comprehensive map of molecules implicated in obesity", PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 2 : e0146759. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146759, 2016.
- Jagannadham, J., Jaiswal, H.K., Rawal, K., Deciphering relationships in disease networks using computational approaches: Fatty Liver, PCOD, Osteoarthritis, cholelithiasis & hyperlipdemia", International Journal of PharmTech Research, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 127-134, 2015.
- Jagannadham, J., Jaiswal, H.K., Agarwal, S., Rawal, K., Biomedical Text Mining of Obesity, Diabetes and hypertension genes. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. vol 33(2), 182-186, 2015.
- Agrawal, S., Rawal, K.,Sahu, A., Mahajan, S., Garg, P. and Bahl, R.,"To find gene distributions in PubMed abstracts using Perl software", Journal of Pharmacy Research 2013.
- Jaiswal, H.K., Rawal, K.,Jaganadham, J., Agrawal, S., “Evaluation of inhibition activity of Tetrahydrolipstatin analogues on Diacylglycerol lipase alpha using In-silico techniques”. Journal of Pharmacy Research, vol.5, no.6, pp. 3473-3477, 2012.
Built a new system for finding role of microRNAs in heart development and heart diseases by integration of large scale experimental data with computational and comparative approaches. We detected 353 known and 703 novel miRNAs involved in heart development. The target mRNAs were appeared to be enriched with genes related to cell cycle, apoptosis, signaling pathways, extracellular remodeling, metabolism, chromatin remodeling and transcriptional regulators
- Rustagi Y, Jaiswal HK, Rawal, K., Kundu GC, Rani V (2015). Comparative Characterization of Cardiac Development Specific microRNAs: Fetal Regulators for Future. PLoS ONE.10(10): e0139359. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0139359
- Gupta, R., Soni, Patnaik, Sood, I., Singh, R., Rawal, K., Rani, V. High AU content: A Signature of Upregulated miRNA in Cardiac Diseases, Bioinformation, vol. 3, pp.132-135, 2010
Vaccine Development
- Abbasi, B. A., Saraf, D., Sharma, T., Sinha, R., Singh, S., Gupta, P. Rawal, K. (2020, April 8). Identification of vaccine targets & design of vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus using computational and deep learning-based approaches. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/f8zyw
- Kamal Rawal, v, Abbasi, B. A., et al (2020). Design of a multi-epitope Chagas disease vaccine by computational analysis of the Trypanosoma cruzi CL Brenner proteome. (Communicated)
- Rawal k, Sinha R et al (2020) Vaxi – DL : A web-based Deep Learning (DL) server to identify Potential Vaccine Candidates, (Bioinformatics- communicated)
- Jethani B., Rawal, K. et al (2020). Clinical Characteristics and Remedy Profile of Patients with COVID-19: Retrospective Cohort Study, Accepted (In Press)
- Rawal, K., Sinha R et al (2020) To Study the Effect of Unconventional Treatment Protocol on COVID-19 patients in Delhi using AI based techniques (Lancet- communicated)
Machine Learning
- Rawal, K., Khurana T, Sharma H, . 2019. An extensive survey of molecular docking tools and their applications using text mining and deep curation strategies. PeerJ Preprints7:e27538v1 https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.27538v1
Established the new framework/portal of "obesity treatment" and other diseases such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension among the people living sedentary lifestyle by engaging relevant sections of community using social networks, data science systems, machine learning, sensors and mobile apps. The system is being used by general public as a social service initiative.
- Development of a Web Based Weight Loss Programme. K. Rawal, P. Gaur and K. Kashive, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken Germany, October, 2014
- Developing Networks in Obesity using Text Mining. K. Rawal, S. Agarwal and J. Jagannadham, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrücken Germany, September, 2014.
- 2005-08 Visiting Faculty, Department of Computer Science
- 2001 Awarded Merit based fellowship
- 2004 Awarded Medical Research Fellowship
- 1992 Awarded as amongst top ranking student (0.1%) in India in mathematics (99% score) and first in school in CBSE
Dr Rawal is currently leading several funded projects from International and National agencies. In COVID domain, he is spearheading ambitious projects in drug repurposing, AI based vaccine development and unconventional treatment programs in collaborations with clinical teams at various hosipitals.
WWW : www.kamalrawal.in
Tools (Links/Beta) : http://vac.kamalrawal.in/vaxidl/nucleotide/index
\Tools (Links/Beta) : http://vac.kamalrawal.in/vaxidl/nucleotide/index